If You've Ever Wanted to Adopt a Bonded Pair of Pups, Do It Now
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Chelo Grubb
on Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 3:00 PM
It's the beginning of summer which means shelters are overcrowded and desperate to find homes for their four-legged boarders.
Two types of animals that are hard to find homes for? Seniors and bonded pairs.
Meet Darby and Buster. These bonded seniors that are available for adoption at Pinal County Animal Control (1150 S Eleven Mile Corner Road in Casa Grande. 520-509-3555).
They are both 10 years-old, and were left at the shelter after their owner died. A volunteer at the shelter says, "They are extremely friendly, well-behaved and get along well with other dogs... I think it is important that they stay together as they are so attached to one another, and they have been through so much. PCAC is extremely over-crowded right now and these two seniors are sharing an overcrowded kennel in this heat."
adopt don't shop
bonded pair
pinal county
dog adoptions
pet adoptions
so many pups.