How could we be here already? The first round of
Best of Tucson® voting closes at the end of next Sunday, May 15.
Once the gates close on this ballot, our team of caffeinated pandas will comb through your answers and compile a ballot of finalists based on the top 5 nominees in each category.
Give us about a week to get everything together then be on the look out for the finalists to be announced (and the second round of voting to open)!
Vote. Spread the
ballot. Time is running out!
P.S. Are you having trouble getting into your ballot? There's a reason the ballot says first and last name are required! Your name is, in essence, your Best of Tucson password. You have to type your name the exact same way from year to year, or you won't be able to get into the ballot. Can't figure out how you typed your name last year? Email me: