Tuesday, March 8, 2016
"I want to vote so Donald Trump won't win," said Ms. Villegas, 32, one of several hundred legal residents, mostly Mexicans, who crowded one recent Saturday into a Denver union hall. Volunteers helped them fill out applications for citizenship, which this year are taking about five months for federal officials to approve. "He doesn't like us," she said.As a reminder, Trump began his presidential bid calling Mexican immigrants rapists and drug traffickers. And, among his genius plans to improve relationships between the U.S. and the outside world is building a larger-than-life wall along the Mexican border and make Mexico, that's right, Mexico pay for it. (To which former Mexican president Vicente Fox responded two weeks ago: "I'm not paying for that fucking wall.)
Overall, naturalization applications increased by 11 percent in the 2015 fiscal year over the year before, and jumped 14 percent during the six months ending in January, according to federal figures. The pace is picking up by the week, advocates say, and they estimate applications could approach one million in 2016, about 200,000 more than the average in recent years.
Among 8.8 million legal residents eligible to naturalize, about 2.7 million are Mexicans, the largest national group, federal figures show. But after decades of low naturalization rates, only 36 percent of eligible Mexicans have become citizens, while 68 percent of all other immigrants have done so, according to the Pew Research Center.
Tags: donald trump , new york times , vicente fox , naturalization , citizenship , mexico , immigrants , vote