Friday, February 12, 2016

TED Talk Day at the UA

Posted By on Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 4:15 PM

The Innovate UA program is hosting the first ever TEDxUofALive event, a live-cast of the 2016 TED conference in Vancouver, Canada this week.

The University of Arizona has been issued a licence to broadcast the live talks on Wednesday Feb. 17 across the UA campus.

"What I have noticed about campus, and our culture in general, is that innovation is heavily dominated by technology," said Justin Williams of Innovate UA. "What TED does that is really great, is it's intentionally multidisciplinary so it pulls from fields, in our case, what would be all across campus."

Speakers at the TED conference are separated into sessions. The whole day of events is free but seating is limited so be sure to reserve your spot at the sessions that interest you!

The showings are as follows:

Session 6: Code Power
9:30 a.m to 11:15 a.m., UA Main Library, Room A313
Reserve your seat
Linus Torvalds, Software engineer
Reshma Saujani, Education activist
Mary Norris, Copy editor
R. Luke DuBois, Artist, composer, engineer
Amit Sood, Technologist
Meron Gribetz, Augmented reality startup CEO
Raffaello D'Andrea, Autonomous systems pioneer

Session 7: Imagine There's No Countries
noon to 1:45 p.m., UA Main Library, Room A313
Reserve your seat
Parag Khanna, Global strategist
Dalia Mogahed, Muslim studies scholar
Hugh Evans, Humanitarian
Christiana Figueres, Climate advocate

TED University, TED-style Talks
3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., UA Main Library, Room A313
Reserve your seat
Brian Kelly, Frequent flyer
Jonathan Bell, Branding expert
Rachel Pritzker, Philanthropist
Jason Pontin, Editor
Anthony Goldbloom, Machine learning expert
Dave Troy, Technologist
Paul Tudor Jones II, Investor
Joshua Roman, Cellist
Joanna Bloor, Amplifier
Mark Goffman, Storyteller
Nalini Nadkarni, Tree researcher
Esther Wojcicki, Moonshot educator
ShaoLan Hsueh, Technologist, entrepreneur
Tom Hulme, Designer, venturer
Peter J. Toren, Litigator
Özge Yilmaz, Entrepreneur

Session 8: Nightmare?
6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m., Gallagher Theater, UA Student Union
Reserve your seat
Dan Gross, Gun-control activist
Jennifer Kahn, Science journalist
Rhiannon Giddens, Musician
Andrew Youn, Anti-hunger activist
Al Gore, Climate advocate

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