Friday, December 11, 2015

Margaret Regan's 'Detained and Deported' Makes the List of Southwest Books of the Year

Posted By on Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 3:37 PM

Longtime Tucson Weekly contributor Margaret Regan's newest book, Detained and Deported: Stories of Immigrant Families Under Fire, has made the list of the Southwest Books of the Year, compiled by Pima County Public Library. 

Regan's book, which was excerpted in the Tucson Weekly earlier this year, has won acclaim for examining the lives of undocumented immigrants who get caught up in the legal system. In a starred review, Publishers Weekly said that Regan captures "intimate and heartbreaking" stories in "an authentic look at people caught between borders"; Kirkus Reviews said that "Regan's books bring into focus the fates of undocumented people fighting against the odds to make it into America and then, if they get here, struggling, and often failing, to build a life"; and Booklist noted that "with other horrifying case studies, Regan provides discomfiting statistics to document the rise of the detention-industrial complex."

If you're looking around for a gift for the book lover on your holiday list, Detained and Deported is a worthy candidate.

Here's the complete list of Southwest Books of the Year.