Tucson Weekly

Cinema Clips: Bone Tomahawk

Bob Grimm Nov 5, 2015 11:38 AM

In this Western infused with horror, Kurt Russell essentially transplants his character from John Carpenter's “The Thing” into the Old West as Sheriff Franklin Hunt, a lawman looking for some kidnap victims. As things turn out, the victims are in the hands of a cannibalistic tribe ready to give Hunt and his cohorts a sick time in the film's final act. Those cohorts include Richard Jenkins as his clumsy deputy, a hobbled Patrick Wilson looking to rescue his wife, and a never-been-better Matthew Fox, along for the ride and offering swift justice to those who dare to approach their camp. Writer-director S. Craig Zahler makes a very impressive debut, crafting not only an authentic Western but a truly memorable monster movie. Russell, as he so often does, owns his part and makes Hunt one of his best roles in years. Jenkins seems as if he's made hundreds of Westerns before. He's right at home in dirty saloons and by the campfire. Fox makes his best mark since getting his face licked by a dog in the “Lost” finale. Watch out, because some of the things that happen in the film's final act are the stuff of nightmares. I should know, because I've had some. Thanks “Bone Tomahawk!”