Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It's Election Day! Go Vote!

Posted By on Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 12:30 PM

If you still have an early ballot laying around the house, now's the time to fill it out and get it to the polling place. You have until the polls close at 7 p.m. to either drop off your ballot or vote in person.

Pima County voters will decide the fate of seven bond questions. More details on those questions here, here and here.

In the city of Tucson, you'll be deciding three City Council seats, as well as whether to keep photo-radar enforcement cameras to nab people who run red lights and speed. You'll also determine whether the city adopts some charter changes. More on those the city elections here.

Oro Valley voters will decide whether to recall the mayor and some council members.

The Weekly's endorsements are here. But we'll cut to the chase: We support all seven bond proposals and the two charter changes and oppose getting rid of the red-light cameras.

It appears that a lot of you got early ballots but have not yet cast them. Last month, Pima County Recorder F. Ann Rodriguez sent out more than 306,000 ballots to voters on the permanent early ballot list. As of this morning, Rodriguez had turned over 132,551 ballots for tabulation by the elections department. So fewer than half of the early ballots have come back so far.

You can find your polling location here.