Friday, October 16, 2015
The Tucson Values Teachers study, sponsored by the University of Arizona’s College of Education and the Southern Arizona Leadership Council, revealed the median annual wage for secondary teachers in Tucson when cost of living is factored in is more than $16,000 below the national average for secondary teachers and the lowest in a comparison of nearly a dozen major western cities, including Phoenix.Wow. That number is far higher than I imagined, and I knew it was bad. If Tucson teachers made $8,000 less than the national average when adjusted for cost of living, that would be outrageous, scandalous. But $16,000? Wow.
“At Raytheon there are over 400 professional jobs open right now which would equal $60 million into the local economy,” Salzman said. “One of the top reasons they feel they can’t fill those jobs is they have a difficult time recruiting people who are coming with families to come to this area because of the questions around the schools. That’s an awful lot of income tax and property tax that isn’t getting paid into the community.”Four hundred jobs. That's exactly the number the Rosemont Mine folks throw around. "Let us wreak havoc on the Arizona landscape and the environment," they say, "and we'll bring you 400 jobs!" Here's a better idea. Let's put some desperately needed money into our education system and attract educated people and high wage businesses to the state. Unlike the Rosemont Mine, those jobs won't disappear when it's no longer profitable to dig copper out of the ground.
"Once all of [Ducey's] programs and policies are implemented, Arizona will move up to Number One. Some say we're at 49 or 50 now. I guarantee you, once his ideas, his policies, his statutes are implemented, Arizona will have the greatest educational system in the nation."If you have any sense, you don't use a line like that in your video. "Um, Dr. Wright, can we try that again, maybe without the, um, Number One thing?" But I guess they decided that wasn't necessary. In the "Hyperbole r us" world of Republican politics, Wright's statement doesn't seem like that much of a stretch.
Using his official county account, Pearce yesterday sent an email at 5:17 pm to lawmakers with the subject line “education opportunities,” warning them that they don’t have enough money to satisfy the “educrats” and urging them to demand that any new education funding proposal include accountability measures.Just when you thought you'd never hear of Russell Pearce again.
Tags: Tucson Values Teachers , Tucson teacher salaries , Southern Arizona Leadership Council , Marian Salzman , Governor Ducey , Dr. C.T. Wright , Russell Pearce