Since Arizona doesn't have a statewide statute that protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from discrimination in the workplace and other areas, several municipalities have taken it upon themselves to enact ordinances that prohibit discrimination in employment based on a person's sexual orientation and gender identity.
This week, Sedona approved an ordinance that protects LGBT people from discrimination in the workplace, housing and public accommodations, according to the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona. Flagstaff, Tempe and Tucson also have similar rules in place.
Still, Arizona is among more than 30 states that the
Human Rights Campaign has criticized for not having a statewide statute. In In the beginning of the year, the HRC put us in the "lowest performing category" in its "state equality index," because Arizona doesn't have an "explicit state-level workplace protections for all LGBT employees," there is inequality when it comes to the adoption process, employment benefits, not to mention a certain bill that made it to former governor Jan Brewer's desk that claimed to be protect "religious freedom," which would have allowed businesses deny service to LGBT people and others based on religious beliefs. Brewer ended up vetoing that last year, but mostly because major businesses threatened to cut ties with Arizona.
In September 2013, about a year before same-sex marriage became legal in Arizona,
Sedona passed an ordinance that recognized same-sex civil unions.
Congratulations, Sedona.