Friday, May 1, 2015

Let's Make Some Noise at the May Day March This Evening

Posted By on Fri, May 1, 2015 at 10:30 AM

A very wide rage of issues are going to be represented at the May Day march later today:

The fight for $15; demands to stop police and Border Patrol agents from continuing to kill unarmed, innocent people; immigrants and LGBT rights; support for indigenous rights at Oak Flat and Rio Yaqui; public education (reinstating Mexican-American studies); and the "We Stand With Rosa!" campaign (supporters of Rosa Robles Loreto, who's been living in sanctuary at Southside Presbyterian Church for eight months now) will also be present. 

Jim Byrne, who is one of the advocates who helped organize this year's gathering, says this is also about making noise against violence toward sex workers, transgender people—the list is long.

"(These are) people trying to make ends meet, to make a living, to do what they can, and everybody who is at this march is trying to make sure we stand in solidarity," he says. 

Members of Tucson's May 1st Coalition—which include labor groups, immigration activists, etc.—will start off at the Santa Rita Park for opening remarks and an invocation by the Calpolli Teoxicalli danza group. The march will then head to Mirasol Park, 29th Street near Mountain, where the Escuelita Musical will perform and more speakers will come forward. 

Also, there will be food!

The march is from 5 to 7 p.m., and will meet at Santa Rita Park.

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