Saturday, April 11, 2015

It's Best of Tucson Time

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Posted By on Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 4:18 PM

Did our picks for Tucson's 100 Essential Dishes make you mad? Did you just discover Tucson's best thrift store? Do you want to make sure your Vet gets the recognition he or she deserves? Well, it's time. Best of Tucson time. 

We have (finally!) released the ballot for this year's Best of Tucson. We're running the voting like last year: You have until June 15 to nominate anyone for any category. Then, we'll tally up the votes and open up a second round of voting where the top three contenders can fight for your love. 

So, go vote! Tell your friends to vote. Go to that bar/sporting goods store/bike lane you've been thinking about and then come home and fill out the survey. 

You can save your ballot and come back to it if you need more time—we get it, it's tough to choose sometimes—just make sure it's all filled out by June 15.

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Chelo Grubb

Bookworm, cat lady, journalism enthusiast.