Friday, April 3, 2015

Send in Your Pictures of Valley of the Moon

Posted By on Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 4:00 PM

Ever been to Valley of the Moon? What about your grandfather, did he ever go? Well, do you have any photos to prove it? Valley of the Moon is doing some repairs and bringing the Adobe House back into service. They want to have a book documenting the building's life through the years.
From and email I got this afternoon: 
We would like to document it's involvement in the lives of Tucson through the eyes of our neighbors and friends who have visited over those years. We are looking for photographs of the Valley of the Moon that may be in your readers' scrap books, garages, attics, closets, etc. It would be great to have them scanned and emailed to with the words "Valley Pix" in the subject line so we know what we're getting. There really is no particular timeframe in mind, but we are actively looking now for the information. Any size picture will do and if an approximate date could be included the organization of the photos would be much simpler. Also, if the contributor would like their name listed on the photograph, that would need to be included as well as any memories they would like to share with the rest of the world. The photographs will potentially be used in a display book in the restored building's greeting area. 

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Chelo Grubb

Bookworm, cat lady, journalism enthusiast.