Late last night, the Arizona Capitol Times wrote that Gov. Doug Ducey and the Republican leadership in the state House and Senate had reached a budget deal that will make even deeper cuts to universities and some community colleges' funding.
Earlier this year, Ducey proposed to take $75 million in total from the three public universities—
about $22 million would come from the UA—now that number is up to $104 million. Community colleges are screwed, too—this deal, which would still need to be approved by the state Legislature, asks to eliminate all state funding for Pima, Pinal and Maricopa community colleges, according to the Arizona Capitol Times.
Bachelor's and master's will become words kids won't know the meaning of anymore in the future.
Also, is the state's goal to completely gut community colleges?
I went to Pima for my associate's degree because it is considerably cheaper than the UA. It saved me at least $10,000 that I don't have to worry about paying back in loans now that I've out of school for years. Like many of you out there, I come from a single-parent, very middle-class household, and community colleges are at the top of the list for the first two, three years of the bachelor's degree journey, or is it not?
At least from the 3,000 more beds in private prisons Ducey wanted, this new proposal only lets him get 2,000. Whoopy.
There will be another
protest tomorrow afternoon at the state Capitol. It seems like all there is left to do is make a lot of noise and hope these politicians' knees tremble a little bit, and tremble enough to think twice before cutting more money from universities, community colleges and public schools.
Lets make our voices heard and let the Governor know we are tired of the cuts to education. Please share this event on your timeline if you are in the State of Arizona. If you are a teacher or a concerned parent or community member, please share this so we can get representation on Thursday. Even if you can't go, others may be able to attend. The cuts have to stop. Our teachers and students deserve better. The protest last Wednesday was a success, and we hope for even better participation this time – let’s make a statement that cannot be ignored. We aren’t just parents, or teachers or students – we are ARIZONANS WHO VOTE!