Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Catch the Oscar Nominated Animated Shorts Wednesday Night at the Loft

Posted By on Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:00 PM

It doesn't matter how busy you are Wednesday night, make time to see the animated Oscar nominated shorts. The photo above is for Disney's "Feast"—about which I'll promise you two things: 1. The short somehow manages to be even more cute than the trailer (below) and 2. That dog does not die from indulging in too many rounds of nachos. I think "Feast" and "A Single Life" are the two to beat this year (Although the animation being The Bigger Picture is kind of spectacular). The show starts at 7 p.m., takes under an hour and a half and is absolutely adorable. Be there. 


The Bigger Picture Trailer from daisy jacobs on Vimeo.

The Bigger Picture
(Chelo says: I would leave all of my cabinets open all the time if they worked like that)
‘You want to put her in a home; you tell her; tell her now!’ hisses one brother to the other. But Mother won’t go, and their own lives quickly unravel as she clings to life. Innovative life-size animated characters tell the stark and darkly humorous tale of caring for an elderly parent. (Directed by Daisy Jacobs and Christopher Hees, 2014, UK, 7 mins.)

The Dam Keeper
(Chelo says: Open question to anyone who has seen this short: How, exactly, did a pigbaby get stuck making sure his entire town doesn't get eaten by a charcoal stampede?) 
The Dam Keeper tells the story of a young pig with an important job, and a new friend who changes everything. In a desolate future, one small town has survived because of a large windmill dam that acts as a fan to keep out pollution. The dam’s operator, Pig, works tirelessly to keep the sails spinning and protect the town, despite abuse from classmates and an indifferent public. When a new student joins Pig’s class, nothing will be the same again. (Directed by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi, 2014, USA, Non-dialogue, 18 mins.)

(Chelo says: This trailer gets bonus points because it reminds me that I need to find myself a pup)
Feast, a new short from Walt Disney Animation Studios, is the story of one man’s love life as seen through the eyes of his best friend and dog, Winston, and revealed bite by bite through the meals they share. (Directed by Patrick Osborne and Kristina Reed, 2014, USA, Non-dialogue, 6 mins.)

Me and My Moulton
(Chelo says: Mustache problems, amiright?)
One summer in mid-‘60s Norway, a seven-year-old girl asks her parents if she and her sisters can have a bicycle. The film provides a glimpse of its young heroine’s thoughts as she struggles with her sense that her family is a little out of sync with what she perceives as “normal.” (Directed by Torill Kove, 2014, Canada, 14 mins.)

A SINGLE LIFE - TRAILER from Job, Joris & Marieke on Vimeo.

A Single Life
(Chelo says: These will be the best two minutes of your night)

When Pia plays a mysterious vinyl record single, she suddenly knows how to travel through her own life. (Directed by Marieke Blaauw, Joris Oprins and Job Roggeveen, 2014, The Netherlands, Non-dialogue, 2 mins.)

Bonus: Three “Highly Commended” shorts will also play.

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Chelo Grubb

Bookworm, cat lady, journalism enthusiast.