Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bill That Wants to Ban Use of Photo Radar in Arizona Gets Initial OK

Posted By on Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 4:30 PM

I read on The Associated Press that the state Senate Public Safety Committee has given initial approval, 5-1, to a bill that could ban the use of photo radar in Arizona...which kind of has become a yearly attempt at this point. 

SB 1167, introduced by state Sens. Kelli Ward, a Republican from Lake Havasu City, John Kavanagh, R-Scottsdale, Judy Burgess, R-Surprise, and Kimberly Yee, R-Phoenix, hasn't been received well with police departments that allege speeding and other violations in areas with these cameras have decreased.

Ward and other opponents of the apparatus have said this photo traffic enforcement violates the U.S. Constitution protections against unreasonable searches. 

Last year, the Pima County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to end the county's contract with American Traffic Solutions, the company that runs the photo radar shenanigans here, saying they might place them in school zones. At the time, the ATS suggested the county use a mobile photo enforcement method. You know, those trucks or SUVs parked on the side of the road. 

In Tucson, a group by the name of Tucson Traffic Justice is gathering signatures to get the issue on the ballot this year. They need around 12,000 by June, and the question would be on the November city election.

The state Senate bill is now heading to the floor after it undergoes a "constitutional review." This is one of three tackling the issue; there are two others in the state House. 

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