Beats & Bends Brings Yoga and Dance to the Roof of Playground
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Heather Hoch
on Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 3:30 PM
Playground's rooftop area might have a space reserved in the bumping, grinding, and boozing weekend portion of your brain, but now the bar's roof will be home to beats of a different kind— specifically of the West African variety. The bar, located at 278 E. Congress St., is presenting two classes on Tuesday nights to add some flavor to your workout routine.
The Beats & Bends Tuesday night series at Playground begins 6:30 p.m. with an interactive West African dance class led by The Movement Shala's Jade Twilite Beall featuring live polyrhythmic drumming. Then at 8 p.m., instructors from Yoga Oasis will lead an hour-long yoga practice under the stars.
Beats & Bends takes place at Playground every Tuesday. It's $7 to attend one class or $13 for both the yoga and dance classes.
west african
yoga oasis
jade twilite beall
movement shala