Thursday, January 8, 2015

While We Were Freaking Out About the Huppenthal-TUSD Stuff, Adelita Grijalva Won a Third Term as TUSD Board President

Posted By on Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 2:00 PM

The TUSD board voted 3-2 Tuesday to give Adelita Grijalva a third term as the board's president and to make Kristel Foster the board's clerk for the 2015 calendar year.

"The consistency in leadership has been key to the success we've had so far," Foster told me via phone today. "Our team is working well together, why would we change something that's working well so far?"

The votes opposing to keep things as they've been came from board members Michael Hicks and Mark Stegeman—Hicks suggested Stegeman should be the new board president but none of the other board members backed him up.

Tuesday was the first meeting of the year, so the focus was on district appointments. 

The next meeting is Jan. 20 and the board will probably be discussing the culturally relevant curriculum scrutiny then.

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