Monday, November 10, 2014
Diane Douglas hasn't taken office yet - she only just locked down the election after David Garcia ran out of possible votes to tip things his way - but hey, her apparent deep lack of qualifications and disdain for education itself has already spawned a social media call for her recall, with 789 signers-on as I write this.
Unfortunately for our state's educational system (but fortunately for Ms. Douglas' checking account), recalls can't be filed against officeholders until they've been on the job six months, but conveniently, the Secretary of State's office has a helpful guide already created to guide citizens through the process. Study up, because it won't be easy:
Every public officer in the state of Arizona, holding an elective office, either by election or appointment, is subject to recall from such office by the qualified electors of the electoral district from which candidates are elected to such office. Such electoral district may include the whole state. Such number of said electors as shall equal twenty-five per centum of the number of votes cast at the last preceding general election for all of the candidates for the office held by such officer, may by petition, which shall be known as a recall petition, demand his recall.
As of nowish, 1,432,178 votes have been counted in the Superintendent of Public Instruction race (and there are still some to be counted), so a recall would need around 400,000 signatures (and probably a few more to ward off a signature challenge) to be successful. Not an easy task, by any measure.
Still, considering Douglas is already backing down FROM THE ONE ISSUE SHE RAN ON, maybe Republicans would be inclined to help give her the boot as well:
Her single issue is Common Core standards, yet she told KTAR radio over the weekend, "We have standards now that we can't control, we can't change and we can't make sure that they work for Arizona." In other words, regarding the one issue on which she campaigned, she admits she has zero control over it.
Douglas is scheduled to take office on January 5, so the recall can be begin on July 5. Mark your calendars.
Tags: diane douglas , diane douglas superintendent , arizona superintendent of public instruction , recall diane douglas