Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tucson Responds to National Senate Race

Posted By on Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 10:23 PM

Carolyn Cox, the Chairman of the Pima Country Republican Party, was enjoying the party while a large group grew in front of her, their attention focused on the election results on television.

She felt she had reason to celebrate; the G.O.P. had just become the majority in the Senate, making it the first time in eight years that the Republican Party has had control of both chambers of Congress.

“President Obama has not been behaving legally or following the constitution, and he shouldn’t be doing that,” Cox said. “And I think the American people have said, ‘You shouldn’t be doing that.’ So I’m excited.”

However, her excitement only went so far, as the party was relatively quieter after learning about Democrat Ron Barber’s lead over Martha McSally in the Congressional race.

“We’re still thousands of votes to go,” She said. “Let’s wait till tomorrow to see [what happens].”

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