Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Orr Remains Optimistic Despite Being Down Early

Posted By on Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 9:15 PM

Ethan Orr (LD9) is still optimistic about the race.
  • Torsten Ward
  • Ethan Orr (LD9) is still optimistic about the race.

By Michaela Kane

Though he was down in the polls early in the night, Ethan Orr, a Republican in the Arizona House of Representatives maintained his optimism about the results of the election.

“My plan was to run a very positive race, because that’s the kind of the race I want Tucson to be, and win or lose that’s what I’m most proud of,” Orr said. “If you’re going to succeed, succeed by creating something better.”

This optimism was present throughout the Republican Election Party in Tucson, as many people felt bolstered by the results of similar elections across the nation.

“It’s really early in the evening, and this is a Republican night all across the nation,” said Bruce Ash, the Republican National Committeeman from Arizona.

Orr, who was trailing his opponents by four percent, was nervous about the course of the evening but wanted the sense of optimism to remain with his supporters.

“Win or lose I’m here,” he said. “I haven’t seen any results, but we’ve been phenomenal with this campaign and I’m extremely proud of it. We worked very, very hard and we ran a good, clean campaign, so let’s see where it goes.”

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