Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Vote for Barrio Bread NOW

Posted By on Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 3:00 PM

If you've ever bought bread from Don Guerra then you know why his Barrio Bread business has this rabid following of people who will instantly surround the baker and baskets of wheat goodness as soon as he unpacks his truck at the local farmers' markets.

Often I'm surprised folks don't bring the butter with them when they pay, but I digress. Look, if you love Barrio Bakery, now's your chance to pay it forward. Guerra is competing for a Chase Bank Mission Main Street grant, but he needs votes and those votes have to come through Facebook. Them's the rules. Voting ends Oct. 17.

There are only 20 $150,000 grants avaialble, and only businesses with fewer than 100 employees and meet other requirements can apply. Guerra threw his name in and now he's in the running with 322 votes—but more votes don't hurt. Let's make this happen for Barrio Bread, Tucson.

Go here, pronto.

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