Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Santa Cruz Valley Heritage Alliance does a great job in promoting Southern Arizona: The rich history, the bounty of the farms and ranches, the diverse landscapes and, ultimately, the story of this land. The industrious non-profit has assembled a terrific tourism map that highlights everything from bird watching to various military posts, as well as an digital calendar of fun heritage events in the area. Their Heritage Foods Program is dedicated to preserving native crops and promoting the homegrown wineries. And Executive Director Vanessa Bechtol continues the challenging work of persuading D.C. lawmakers to formally designate the area as a National Heritage Area. You can learn more about the group's hard work here.
Once a year, the Heritage Alliance brings people together to taste the flavors of Baja AZ at a Harvest Dinner. This year's dinner will be in the historic environs of Maynards Market & Kitchen, where Maynards chef Jared Scott will whip up a four-course meal highlighting local ingredients State Rep. Demion Clinco will be the keynote speaker and (full disclosure) I'll be master of ceremonies. Plus: a silent auction, live music and—if last year was any indication—plenty of Southern Arizona wines and beers to sample.
It's all from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 26. Tickets are $75 before Oct. 12. Get yours here.