Thursday, September 4, 2014
When it comes to most TV offerings, I'm always behind schedule. Just ask my coworkers. It's rare when I start to watch something from the beginning and really get into it. I'm always late, and really, I don't care. Even everyone kept chiding me for not watching HBO's "The Wire," and after reading amazing reviews of the show, I didn't budge. But last year, I finally did, exploring this new world of binging on several seasons of television at once (well, OK, more like several weeks)—and I fell in love with the men and women of "The Wire." I fell in LOVE.
So when news flew through the internets that HBO was remastering the show and would rerun the series beginning tomorrow, it made sense that reporters and blogger types were professing their joy. However, it was a little early. HBO is remastering David Simon's beautifully written show, but the date has been pushed back.
According to Indiewire, indefinitely.
Hurry, people, hurry:
Hence the fervor when news hit earlier today that David Simon's criminally-ignored (pun intended) magnum opus (magnum Omar) was being digitally remastered at HBO. The speculation only grew with an ad surfacing online claiming the pretty new versions of a the dark, early aughts series would start running September 4 (see below), and fans claiming to have seen the ad running on the premium cable network over the weekend.HBO representatives have confirmed "The Wire" is being remastered, but the release date has been pushed back indefinitely. Episodes are "still being reviewed," and information outside of that is scarce. September was originally the target date for the remastered versions to air, but now the project is considered to be a "work in progress." An executive at HBO said the ad, which titled the release as "The Wire Replay Marathon," aired prematurely.
Tags: David Simon , HBO , The Wire , remastered , I really miss you Omar and probably Bubbles even more , I mean shiiiiiit I really miss you Omar , Video