Saturday, June 21, 2014
David Morales has compiled comments Huppenthal made on the Three Sonorans blog using the Falcon9 alias. Can these comments possibly be worse than what we've already seen? Take a look. These are direct quotes, so I've left in any misspellings.
"Che Guvera is not to be afraid of, he is to be despised and his memory should be defecated upon.""Yes, MAS=KKK in a different color"
[NOTE: "MAS" is short for "Mexican-American Studies."]"You can’t believe a word on this blog. No book whatsoever has been banned. Just that MAS skin heads can’t run classrooms. They were teaching hate in these classes, just as this blog preaches hate and revenge."
"Their having an orgasm over the claim that their book was banned. Now, maybe a student will read it."
"You have an ethnic majority, hispanics, oppressing an ethnic minority, small business owners, exacting a property tax and paying to force students to undergo a toxic indoctrination."
"Senate President Russell Pearce was a very good man. Like the sheriff in High Noon, he restored the rule of law. In short order, murders collapsed from 240 to less than 100 in Phoenix, car thefts plunged from 50,000 to 25,000, drunken driving fatalities collapsed and uninsured motorist collisions dropped dramatically. Thank you Russell. We are all safer as a result of your efforts."
Tags: John Huppenthal , David Morales , Three Sonorans , Mexican American Studies , Che Guevara