Wednesday, June 4, 2014

You Should Like Max Cannon's 'RED MEAT' Facebook Page

Posted By on Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 2:07 PM

I don't have to tell you who the hell Max Cannon is. Honestly, I don't know if he knows who he really is either, but that's besides the point. The man of thousand characters and ideas has started a Facebook like page dedicated to his prolific comic, RED MEAT

Looks like his website has received a complete face-lift: 
We invite you to poke around, explore, meander, kick the tires, peer into the yawning abyss—or whatever you choose to call your personal descent into MEAT. And please stay tuned for lots of piquantly unusual news, items of general public interest, skewed cultural commentary, musings on things better left alone, completely inappropriate photo galleries, pointless tomfoolery AND—for the love of all that is delightfully wrong—a brand new RED MEAT store will appear very soon, with an ever-changing assortment of new wearable items, prints, drinkware, and a yet-to-be-determined array of unique toys and art objects that only serve to further our not-so-fiendish scheme to transfer money from your pocket into ours.

Click here to like his new fancy page.

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