Monday, June 2, 2014
Scott Fistler, A.K.A. Cesar Chavez, is getting the attention he's always wanted. The Arizona Republic reported that Fistler, who has run for office a few times as a Republican, filed a name-change with Maricopa County last November to become Cesar Chavez and is now in the running for Ed Pastor's seat in the House of Representatives in the heavily Hispanic 7th Congressional District., For reasons yet unknown (but possibly predictable), Fistler decided taking on the name of the iconic civil rights activist and a party switch to Democrat would be a really good idea ahead of another attempt to win political office.
From the Republic:
The candidate has no money, no endorsements and no paid campaign staff. Until The Arizona Republic began asking questions, he seemed to have no past.
"It's almost as simple as saying Elvis Presley is running for president," Chavez, the candidate, said in a phone interview. "You wouldn't forget it, would you?"
The tale of the unemployed military veteran named Chavez was, until now, a puzzle. If he makes the ballot, candidates in the six-way District 7 race will have to gauge just how much of a political threat his campaign poses.
"People want a name that they can feel comfortable with," Chavez said. "If you went out there running for office and your name was Bernie Madoff, you'd probably be screwed."
What is the best piece of political advice you ever received?Of course, because he's someone running for office, he has a Blogspot-hosted website that features both images from a march celebrating the more famous Cesar Chavez in Wichita and photos from pro-Hugo Chavez marches in Venezuela. Not included, but possibly forthcoming: photos of famed Mexican boxer Julio César Chávez, old campaign posters for former Albuquerque mayor Martin Chávez and YouTube clips of 90's Brooklyn indie rock act Chavez.
Serve the best interest of the citizens.
What is your favorite book (besides a spiritual text)?
The Sneetches, by Dr. Seuss.
What favorite movie has meaning for you?
What is your favorite place in Arizona?
Which Arizona political figure past or present do you most admire and why?
Jeff Flake
Chavez did not respond to requests for a comment, other than to email the Arizona Capitol Times to say that because of how “flooded with calls and emails” his campaign has been, he is taking a break from media queries.In a state full of sometimes unintentionally hilarious candidates, it remains to be seen whether Fistler realizes this particular scheme isn't all that funny.
“There is just simply not enough Cesar Chavez to go around,” he wrote. “We may resume questions starting May 10 [sic].”
Chavez did lay out some ground rules for media questions, should he be able to get to them. Questions must be screened, no more than five questions, no question longer than five words and Chavez will not discuss his name change, he explained in the email.
Tags: doug fistler , cesar chavez , cesar chavez arizona , arizona politics , Video