Thursday, May 22, 2014

Did Jennifer Lawrence Get Life Advice From Miley Cyrus?

Posted By on Thu, May 22, 2014 at 2:00 PM

The Internet's beloved Jennifer Lawrence has been gracing late night talk shows with her presence to promote the latest  film opening soon. The 23-year-old actor shared drunken stories from her last Oscar appearance on Late Night With Seth Meyers. Lawrences admits to getting so drunk she puked on some rich person's balcony, and she felt Miley Cyrus passing judgement behind her. 

Cyrus responded on Twitter and said that never happened, but deleted the tweet. Maybe the blue mutant was exaggerating or she mistook the pop sensation for someone else? We still love you even if you might have stretched the truth, Jennifer.

We just don't want your drinking to get out of hand.

(H/T Gawker & ONTD)

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