After touring the nation and experiencing the life as a traveling musician, Jacob Acosta has decided to stay home and make a difference.
The local musician launched a indiegogo to fund his next album titled
For the People, By The People. Acosta is trying to crowdfund $15,000 with stewardship and his music. The Tucson singer songwriter is hoping that you will take advantage of the "Stay and Play" incentives to help fund his new album and ambitious tour idea. Not only will you get an hour and half show, 10 signed records, annual Happy Birthday wishes (until either of you die) but Acosta will stay with you and help you with whatever you need. It could be from one to five days all depending on how much you pledge.
Now, what I'm doing here is playing private shows booked by you through this campaign and not at a venue, but also then sticking around as your extra hands for a day or two for whatever you may need to accomplish to physically, and directly change your life!
If you can't afford the extra hands, there are other pledge options available. $20 gets you his latest album and 300 songs from his personal recording sessions.
Check out this Acosta live performance at La Cocina Restaurant before you throw money at him:
Click here to pledge and help out a local musician trying to spread some kindness and make a difference.