Thursday, November 21, 2013
Tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 22, UA President Ann Weaver Hart will present the university's new strategic and marketing plan to the Arizona Board of Regents at the Center for Creative Photography Auditorium, Room 108, 9:30 a.m. The UA announced two options will be available so the public can see the presentation because of limited seating—the Student Union Memorial Center South Ballroom to watch a live broadcast or online via Arizona Public Media.
Once the Center for Creative Photography reaches capacity, the UA will post a notice on its Twitter and Facebook accounts. You can also go to the UA@Work website to get a preview of the presentation.
Back in July, we wrote a story on some controversial hires and admin changes at the UA and the early stages of the strategic plan. Shortly after, a video was released on YouTube highlighting the new strategic plan theme—Never Settle. That version never allowed for public comment and made private soon after as grumbling surfaced, particularly about the music in the video and possible trademark issues.
A new video is online now, but no embed is allowed. You can watch it here, and yes, you still can't post comments.
The story in July also focused on recent administration departures and hires, particularly in the UA's marketing department. Weekly sources confirm this remains an issue, as well as the cost for this new strategic and marketing campaign done by Ologie—reportedly $250,000 and that the project was not put out to bid. There was also a delay in getting the Never Settle website up, possibly due to the same trademark issue.
Of course there are other items to be discussed during the ABOR meeting (full agenda is here):
▪ An economic and state revenue outlook report from lead university economists.
▪ ABOR economist Dan Anderson will give a report on wages earned by Arizona University System graduates. (The recent Global Employability Survey named the UA as one of the nation's top producers of employable graduates. Read about the announcement in this UANews article.)
▪ The board will be asked to adopt its process and calendar for setting tuition, fees and residence halls rates for the 2014-2015 academic year, which will then be finalized when ABOR meet on the UA campus in April.
Tags: Ann Weaver Hart , University of Arizona , UA , Never Settle , Ologie , ABOR , Arizona Board of Regents