Wednesday, October 16, 2013
University of Arizona athletic director Greg Byrne probably has a lab down in his basement where he spends all hours of the night concocting new and inventive ways to interact with the Wildcat fan base.
His latest endeavor might just be the zaniest, but also possibly one of the most ingenious ways to endear Wildcat Country to the athletic program.
Byrne announced over the weekend, via Twitter and Facebook (duh!!!) and other platforms what he's calling a quintet of ways that UA football fans can feel even closer to the team than just buying season tickets and wearing official gear.
Each home football week (starting with the current one, in advance of Saturday's game against Utah) fans who follow certain guidelines will get the chance to possibly do one of five unique things:
* Roam among the players during the pre-game Wildcat Walk to Arizona Stadium
* Run out onto the field with the team right before kickoff
* Scoop the media and announce Arizona's uniform combination
* Sit in on Rich Rodriguez's postgame press conference
* Compose questions to be asked to RichRod during his weekly radio show
Each of the "experiences," as Byrne is labeling them, requires the use of certain hashtags related to the upcoming game and particular messages or photos posted via Twitter in order to be eligible to win. The winners will be notified via Twitter at various times, such as finding out 30 minutes before kickoff that you'll get the chance to be run over by Ka'Deem Carey as you dodge the pre-game onfield pyrotechnics, or getting word 10 minutes before the game is over that you're headed to the postgame interview tent.
One major caveat to the whole contest, though: you've gotta have a ticket to that week's game. The contest is intended to "reward" loyal UA fans who go to games, not award some random casual fan who just happened to be on Twitter and used the applicable game's hashtag.
Tags: Arizona football , uniform selection , Twitter , random contests , hashtags , RichRod