Monday, July 22, 2013
Well. This is weird.
I mean, my first response is a loud and confused "what the actual f—k??"
But let's back up: There's sure to be a reason behind this, right? Look at the username: it's an obvious Game of Thrones reference.
But at the same time, why would someone post this to such a public forum, particularly when making an effort to be, uh...discreet?
Honestly, I'm just so confused, and vaguely uncomfortable.
Either way, apparently someone has a job opening available.
(Note: It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to turn this guy in if he contacts you. Just saying.)
Update: A response from Reddit user _TYRION_KILLS_TYWIN_: "It's a joke."
Tags: tucson , hitman , weird job posts , what the actual f--k , reddit