Friday, June 28, 2013
Sponsored by the Downtown Tucson Partnership, Armory Park Neighborhood Association and participating musicians, artists and porch-providers alike, the event will be a "pilot" event, designed to test the waters and see what works, according to a press release.
The new event will include 19 different musical acts, from well-known local artists to new talent, who will play on 12 different porches in the Armory Park Neighborhood — Tucson's first Historical District.
Here's how it works:
From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. artists and musicians will perform on various neighborhood porches, from Fifth and Third Avenue, and 12th and 18th Street.
Families, friends and neighbors can walk through the historic neighborhood and visit whatever porch sparks their interest, all while enjoying a wide-range of musical talent and musicianship.
Though it may not be the typical outdoor concert, attendees can expect to see several well-known performers, such as Grammy-nominated pianist Larry Redhouse, and Brazilian Classical Guitarist Eduardo Minozzi Costa.
To ensure you have the best experience possible, the Downtown Tucson Partnership has even provided a few tips:
You can also find a rough map of the event here: PorchFest Armory Park Map.
While June may be one of the hottest months of the year, warm summer nights are the perfect opportunity to explore Tucson and take advantage of new, exciting community events such as PorchFest Armory Park.
Not only do they help support local Tucsonans and their artistic endeavors, but they can help the revitalization efforts of the Downtown Tucson Partnership - whose goal is to make Tucson "the most dynamic urban center in the Southwest."
And of course, free music is never a bad thing.
Tags: music , armory park , historic district , porches , neighborhood , free