Wednesday, June 26, 2013

According to Zagat, There Are No Great Mexican Food Restaurants in Arizona

Posted By on Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 1:04 PM

Yesterday, USA Today released a Zagat-created list of the 20 best Mexican food restaurants in the country.

Astoundingly, there were zero restaurants from Arizona on their list.

Sure, there were mentions of restaurants from price ranges all over the scale, $9 to $70 for a meal with a drink and a tip, from states around the country — but none from the Old Pueblo...or Phoenix, for that matter.

Apparently, New Orleans has better Mexican food. As does Honolulu, Baltimore, Atlanta, Washington and Orlando.

You know — hotbeds of Mexican culture and cuisine.

Now, if you're so inclined, you can check out the list over at — but personally, I'd recommend that you check out our Best of Tucson winner for the past 7 years, Cafe Poca Cosa; the long-time favorite, El Charro Cafe; Mi Nidito, which played host to President Bill Clinton; nationally-renowned purveyors of Sonoran Hot Dogs, BK and/or El Guero Canelo; the beloved Taqueria Pico de Gallo; one of the numerous delicious taco carts around town; or one of my favorites, Guadalajara Grill.

We've all got our preferences in this town, sure. But one thing's for certain: Zagat ain't got nothin' on us, Tucson.

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