Tuesday, June 4, 2013

It's Hot Out There: Stay Hydrated!

Posted By on Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 9:00 AM

As the temperature continues to get hotter, your energy may be melting away. When it's 106 degrees outside, being hydrated can make or break your summer.

The human body is made of 60 percent water, so it's no secret that you should be drinking plenty. According to the The Institute of Medicine, the recommended water intake for a man is approximately 13 cups of total beverages per day, and nine cups for women. And for those who dislike water, there are plenty of alternative choices to stay hydrated and avoid summer lethargy syndrome.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are infusions, made from a mixture of various natural ingredients, such as dried leaves, barks and flowers.

Drinking herbal tea can be a solid source of vitamins and minerals, as well as provide some healing qualities, such as stress relief and rejuvenation.

Certain teas have different benefits. For example, Ginseng stimulates vitality. Lemongrass is known for its calming properties and Sarsaparilla promotes energy and healthy skin, according to this list.

A full list of herbal teas.
  • A full list of herbal teas.

The Scented Leaf, 943 E. University Blvd., offers a huge menu of teas, ranging from green and black, to white and oolong (though you might want to hold off on the black tea—more on that below).

Coconut Water

Coconut water provides vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, and is super easy to find. Most groceries carry bottles of it, and there are even different flavors.

Coconut water contains more potassium than four bananas and has less sodium and less sugar than most sports drinks.

Fruit and Vegetable Juices

The healthier the ingredients, the healthier the juice. Juice can be a great alternative for those who don't like water, as well as provide added benefits depending on whatever fruit or vegetable is juiced.

However, fruit and veggie juice can contain a lot of sugar. Eating hydrating fruits and vegetables can be extremely beneficial, such as watermelon (mostly water, as the name implies) and green salad, as most lettuces contains more than 90 percent water.

Juice Recipes
  • Juice Recipes

Drinks to Avoid

Coffees, cocoa, black teas, sodas and alcohol: These may be high in sugar, caffeine, and toxins, and they cause you to be even more thirsty.

When drinking these beverages, it is best to counteract their bad qualities with water.

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