Tucson Weekly

Tucson-Born Arte Moreno Named Among Forbes' Wealthiest People

David Mendez Mar 4, 2013 16:00 PM

Arte Moreno, the Tucson-born University of Arizona alumnus and current owner of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, made Forbes's Billionaires list once again, now for the sixth time.

This marks Moreno's sixth time on the list, and includes him among the ranks of four other Arizonans, according to Forbes. In fact, Moreno is tied for the 1250th position on the list, along with fellow Arizonan Peter Sperling. I would make fun of Moreno for this, but even at 1250th place, he's still worth $1.5 billion, meaning that he sneezes more money than I make writing each blog post. Good times.

From the oh-so-tiny profile offered up by Forbes.com:

Los Angeles Angels owner Arturo Moreno splurged in the 2012 offseason on Albert Pujols and other stars, but his team only finished third in the American League West. He added slugger Josh Hamilton this year, hoping to do better. The Angels have benefited from a $2.5 billion local television deal (over 17 years). He bought the Anaheim Angels from Disney in 2003, and re-named them in 2005 to capture the larger L.A. market. A Vietnam veteran, he took billboard advertising company Outdoor Systems public in 1996, then sold it to Infinity Broadcasting for $8.7 billion in stock in 1999.

That's all well and good Arte, but if you brought baseball back to Tucson, you'd be WORSHIPPED. At least, until everyone turned against the stadium location, or beer prices, or the fact that baseball is a game that is played outdoors in the summer or whatever the excuse is these days.

Congrats, Arte. Though I still don't forgive you for continuing to allow the Rally Monkey to be a thing.