Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Someone Purchased the Domain Name to Guy Fieri's Restaurant and Created Something Magical

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Posted By on Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 5:27 PM

Remember Guy Fieri's Times Square-located "restaurant," Guy's American Kitchen and Bar—the one that was absolutely savaged by the New York Times to such a degree that they removed menu items?

Well, it appears that Fieri didn't purchase the domain name, guysamericankitchenandbar.com — so someone else did, and created a menu full of insane(ly hilarious) menu items. Care for an appetizer?

If You Can Eat Here, Youre A Shark!
  • guysamericankitchenandbar.com
  • "If You Can Eat Here, You're A Shark!"

And if Guy's Big Balls weren't enough to sate your appetite, consider one (or more! This is America, after all!) of the entrees below:

A Real Human Being, And A Real Hero
  • guysamericankitchenandbar.com
  • "A Real Human Being, And A Real Hero"

My personal favorite: "The Panamania!," a deep-fried snake with a picture of David Lee Roth stapled to it and a sparkler in each eye; served, of course, with a Bud Light that must be wrung out of a Hawaiian shirt.

Apparently, New York City-based programmer Bryan Mytko is claiming responsibility for this work of genius:

Well done, Bryan. Go look at his hilarious website—quickly!—before the bleached hedgehog that resides upon Guy Fieri's head orders him to pull it down.

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