Friday, February 8, 2013
According to my occasionally-suspect math, you've only got 30 hours left to submit your short stories to us for your chance at winning gift card money from Fascinations (If you got it at Fascinations, they're going to love it!)
But (and I say this not to deter anyone from submitting,) if you enter now, you'll be facing some stiff competition. We have, at last count, 24 entrants, all of whom brought their A-game. Whether the A-game of each individual competetor is any good is something that you might question, but I'll tell you right now that I love each and every entry...even if some of them are a bit on the special side.
I will go ahead and note that we've had a few entrants submit multiple stories, which is something I overlooked when creating the rules for this year. So, as an executive decision, our judges will only consider one story from those who have submitted multiples. As for which stories those are, I'll be making that call in a very scientific fashion (read: I'll probably use dice or pigeon racing or something).
So there you go. From this point on, no more multiple submissions. One per, please — save the grouping up for your bedroom, if you're so inclined.
Good luck folks. We'll see you at the finish line tomorrow. Bring a mop.
Tags: erotic fiction , contests , multiples , executive decisions , random chance