Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Edward James Olmos, What Were You Thinking?

Posted By on Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 12:36 PM

First, let's just get this out of the way. Before he was known as Admiral Adama in Battlestar Galactica folks remember Edward James Olmos for other roles. For example, do you remember this guy?

If you do, maybe you understand why yesterday's tweet by Arizona Cardinals' Larry Fitzgerald was troubling:

The photo shows Olmos sitting happily next our finger-wag loving governor who champions racist legislation like SB 1070. Look, she's sitting next to a member of the Zoot Suiterettes. She's sitting next to Jess Gonzalez. She's sitting next to Jamie Escalante.

I sent a tweet to Olmos asking if he checked in with her about SB 1070 and her finger. No reply yet, although he's now following me on Twitter.

OK, Edward, I know I exaggerated a bit when I wrote you were hugging the guv. Just let us know if the trip was as uncomfortable as it looked. When Fitzgerald posted the same photo on his Facebook page, there was plenty folks had to say about Brewer and the flight back to Arizona.

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