Today, the Daily Beast has this vaguely interesting listicle (list-based article) centered around possible reasons that the small town of Wellington, Kan., has made it illegal for a house to contain more than four cats.
Shocking stuff, sure (at least, if you were planning to move to a town in Kansas with a population less than three times that of Tucson High's total enrollment, anyway.) But the first item in their list is this heart-warming story out of our fair state:
An 81-year-old Arizona woman named Lucienne Touboul was arrested in May on charges of animal neglect and cruelty after police were tipped off that she was hoarding 64 cats in her home. It wasn’t the first time Touboul encountered legal trouble. She had an outstanding warrant from a 2010 animal-cruelty case, in which deputies discovered nine frozen cats in her icebox—which she told police she used for cooking a stew. “In 50 years of law enforcement,” said Sheriff Joe Arpaio, “I’ve never heard of a case quite like this where an animal lover presumably turns her much-loved pets into stew.”
For the full tale of Ms. Touboul, see the Daily Beast's source here.