Thursday, August 9, 2012
Newish Sonoita winery Hops and Vines is holding the best drinking and/or eating event we've heard of lately. It happens at 4 p.m., Friday, Aug. 10. From the winery's website:
Beer Bacon Wine Chocolate Cheese!
A great night full of Bad Decisions! Bacon cupcakes, chocolate fountain, artisan cheese, craft beer, amazing wine! Did I mention The Fluffer?Call out from work, skip the gym! Come down to beautiful Sonoita 45 minutes south of Tucson. Bisbee Brew will be there! Call up your craziest friends, get a sitter, do what you gotta do, but don't miss Arizona Hops and Vines 1st Annual Bad Decisions!
Might I also add that it's a full 10 degrees cooler down in Sonoita? Oh, and The Fluffer is a wine, if you were wondering. Tickets are $10, and we're pretty sure that includes access to the tether-ball and horseshoe courts.
Tags: arizona hops and vines , bad decisions , arizona wineries