Thursday, August 9, 2012

Beer, Bacon, Wine, Chocolate, Cheese: Made Any Bad Decisions Lately?

Posted By on Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 1:57 PM

Newish Sonoita winery Hops and Vines is holding the best drinking and/or eating event we've heard of lately. It happens at 4 p.m., Friday, Aug. 10. From the winery's website:

Beer Bacon Wine Chocolate Cheese!
A great night full of Bad Decisions! Bacon cupcakes, chocolate fountain, artisan cheese, craft beer, amazing wine! Did I mention The Fluffer?

Call out from work, skip the gym! Come down to beautiful Sonoita 45 minutes south of Tucson. Bisbee Brew will be there! Call up your craziest friends, get a sitter, do what you gotta do, but don't miss Arizona Hops and Vines 1st Annual Bad Decisions!

Might I also add that it's a full 10 degrees cooler down in Sonoita? Oh, and The Fluffer is a wine, if you were wondering. Tickets are $10, and we're pretty sure that includes access to the tether-ball and horseshoe courts.

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