Monday, May 14, 2012
There's a new winery down in Sonoita called Hops and Vines, and I am smitten with it. From the winery's brand-spanking-new website:
We're a small winery that's awesome! One of many great Sonoita-area wineries in Southern Arizona, our family farm is a fun, warm place for families and wine afficionados alike.
From its interesting line of non-alcoholic beverages called The Sober Shack to a variety of wines - we hear the most popular one thus far is a Muscat called The Fluffer - it's well worth checking out. A spokesman for the company tells us the winery is also the only local producer of hops, which should be of interest to the growing number of microbreweries taking shape around town.
There are tastings ("$10 with our glass, $5 with your glass"), special events, gatherings around bonfires, the list goes on. Head over here to check out more on all that.
Tags: hops and vines , arizona wineries , wine tastings , what would bacchus do