Monday, March 26, 2012

The Most Arizonan Campaign Event Ever

Posted By on Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 4:00 PM


I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that Brenda Barton, a Safford woman who is seen on her campaign for re-election webpage wearing a giant cowboy hat, is hosting a fundraiser at a gun range, complete with a book signing by the author of After You Shoot (subtitled "The gun's hot, the perp's what?"), but this particular event really takes the weirdness to a whole new level.

1. There will be a shoot off between Maricopa County Attorney "Bad Boy Bill" Montgomery and "Tall Tom" Horne.
2. Tickets are $35 for a "single"; $60 for a "couple". Children under eighteen are free, but only if accompanied by both parents.
3. There will be "rewards" for the best dressed cowboy and cowgirl, but also for the largest family in attendance.
4. Russell Pearce will be there, and this fact is listed on the poster like that's a good thing.

Oh, Arizona. You'll never change, will you?

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