Monday, March 26, 2012

Dragoon Brewing Co. Just Days Away From Debuting First Beers

Posted By on Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 3:00 PM

Tristan White of Dragoon Brewing Co. says the brewery could be days away from releasing its first beers.

"Hopefully we'll have them on the market this week," said White, adding that the only thing holding up distribution of the brewery's first two beers is filtering the product and packaging it for sale.

White said the Stronghold Session Ale is sort of a "cross between Fat Tire and Newcastle" with an alcohol content of about 4.5 percent. The other beer is an IPA described as "big and hoppy." It boasts an alcohol content of about 7.8 percent.

Dragoon Brewing Co. has a tasting room but it won't be open until the grand opening in May. If you want to keep up on where the beers will be available - not to mention extra information about the run of specialty beers the brewery has planned - check in via Twitter for updates.

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