Monday, December 5, 2011

The New Muppet Movie As Anti-Oil Company Propaganda

Posted By on Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 12:30 PM

Just so I'm understanding the point that Dan Gainor from Media Research Center tried to make on Fox Business, Disney, the world's largest media company, is actually an secret agent of anti-corporate propaganda brainwashing the children because the bad guy in The Muppets is a wild caricature of a Texas oil man and in Cars 2, there's a bad guy who sells a fake gas substitute. Sure, it's essentially one step away from Occupy Wall Street.

Fair warning: after a few minutes, this clip descends into nonsense where the two conservative loudmouths crack jokes about Barney Frank and how dumb poor people are and the token liberal seems bewildered and isn't really helping her own cause.


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