Monday, December 5, 2011

A Movie Even the Blind Will Enjoy

Posted By on Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 3:00 PM

Some people pick the movies they see based on who's in them, who wrote them or who wrote them.

This is an advocation for seeing a film simply based on who did the music.

It should matter not whether you've read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, or if you're a fan of director David Fincher or have an ab crush on Daniel Craig. This film, which comes out Dec. 21, has original music from Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor coursing through nearly every scene.

With that kind of audial meditation, who cares what the movie is about.

Reznor and his longtime collaborator, Atticus Ross, somehow managed to create about 160 minutes' worth of music for a soundtrack, which has 39 songs and is being released Dec. 27 as a three-disc (or six LP, if you dig the vinyl) conglomeration.

Or, you could be like me and just get the digital download, which will show up in my inbox Dec. 9.

If you're skeptical about how this all might sound, you can also just download six songs for free.

Reznor and Ross, while NIN is on hiatus, have been making a name for themselves with original scores. Their music for The Social Network won both a Golden Globe and Oscar for its ability to help turn a movie about a Web site into a pretty interesting flick.

Included on the soundtrack are two cover songs, including a remake of Led Zeppelin's 'Immigrant Song' by Reznor and Yeah Yeah Yeahs signer Karen O.

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