Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jewish Inclusion Project's Rainbow Keshet Awards

Posted By on Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 10:38 AM

LGBT community members and activists Kate and Carol Bradsen, John Peck (a former Tucson Weekly contributor), Amelia Kramer and Dante Celeiro will be honored at the Jewish Inclusion Project's Rainbow Keshet Awards on Sunday, Oct. 30, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, 3800 E. River Road.

Tickets cost $36, and include a reception, concert from Israeli performer Uri Banai and "Oy Gay," LGBT Jewish coming-out stories presented by Odyssey Storytelling.

Info on the Keshet Award recipients:

-Carol & Kate Bradsen for their hospitality work with asylum seekers and migrant workers,

-Dante Celeiro for his work as a Transgender Activist , founder of Boys R Us & Fluxx Studios

-Amelia Kramer, Chief Deputy Attorney for Pima County & Former Managing Attorney for the Western office of Lambda Legal

-John Peck, Freelance Editor & Retired Senior Vice President of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona

For tickets or info, e-mail or call 577-9393, ext. 121.

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