Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Yes, January is very nice in the new Men of the Stacks 2012 pin-up calendar, but continue flipping through the pages and take an extra look at May. It's Sol Gómez from the Valencia branch of the Pima County Library.
According to the Men of the Stacks website, the project started a couple of years ago, with the idea to remind folks that librarians are men, cool, and not bad looking ... for librarians.
The Men of the Stacks project was first conceived a couple of years ago after learning of the publication of another library-themed calendar. Our first reaction to that calendar? “Well, cool but…where are all the men?” There was another, earlier calendar that featured only male librarians, but we felt it didn’t quite capture the way we saw ourselves. In both cases, either the stereotype was reinforced or it didn’t go far enough in breaking free of it.
Gómez, pictured looking longingly over a book, told the Range that he was approached to do the calender two years ago by friends he serves with on the American Library Association.
"They asked me if I’d be interested in doing a calendar," Gómez says. "I said I'd do it. All we had to do was the photo shoot."
While Gómez, is one of the more conservatively dressed librarians in the calendar there is January and a few others you can see in this nice Huffington-Post slide show.
But let's get back to Gómez. Weekly World Central did a TQ&A with him in 2009 when he was given an I Love My Librarian Award by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and The New York Times. He's also the father of three and husband to Tucson Unified School District governing board member Adelita Grijalva, who can now proudly boast she's married to a pin-up model.
Gómez told the Range that so far the calendar has raised about $8,000 and all funds go to the It Gets Better Project, which was selected by everyone involved as benefactor of the calendar's proceeds. It Gets Better was created last year to encourage LGBT youth who may face harassment and bullying.
Tags: Sol Gómez , Men of the Stacks , Adelita Grijalva , Pima County Library , American Library Association , It Gets Better Project