Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Great Cover-Up is one of my favorite Tucson events every year, for obvious reasons, I suppose. The money raised goes to a great cause (the Tucson Artists and Musicians Healthcare Alliance, an organization that's more necessary all the time in this economy) and it's just a lot of fun to see bands have fun playing songs they have some affection for, whether as a sort of guilty pleasure or as an inspiration for the music they usually play. Sure, you don't get paid, but you have twenty minutes to be a different band for a night, and if you haven't seen one of these shows before, some bands really make the most of the opportunity.
If I had any sort of musical talent whatsoever, I'd be begging for the opportunity to play the Great Cover-Up (playing a set of Happy Mondays tracks, clearly), but I don't, so I can at least shill for it here. So, if you actually make music in some form, why not apply to perform this year?
This year's event will be held at three venues over three nights: Thursday, Dec. 15, at Plush; Friday, Dec. 16, at Club Congress; and Saturday, Dec. 17, at the Rialto Theatre, and applications will be taken until this Friday at 5 pm. It's super easy to apply: all you have to do is email greatcoveruptucson@gmail.com with the following information: your band name, what type of music you normally play, your top three picks for bands/artists you'd like to cover, and a contact name and number and/or e-mail address. Then, someone will let you know if you've been selected.
Since I won't be out there performing as Bez, I look forward to what you come up with, Tucson music scene.
Tags: great cover-up , tucson music , tucson concerts , tucson benefits , Tucson Artists and Musicians Healthcare Alliance , Video