Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sonora Review, University of Arizona's graduate-student-run literary journal, is celebrating the release of their 60th issue at The Poetry Center this Thursday, August 25th, at 8pm. Come on out and help them celebrate! A suggested donation of $5 is appreciated.
More from Sonora Review:
Sonora Review 60 is coming at you with its tongue wagging like a happy dog who just wants to roll around on your floor and make cute faces at you and make you make cute faces at it. So come rub Sonora Review’s belly at the University of Arizona Poetry Center for a benefit and/or release party, but mostly an awesome reading containing the following individuals/things we love:* Excerpts from the new issue read in dulcet tones
* Ander Monson and his always surprising facial hair
* Kate Bernheimer and Brent Hendricks, Tucson's literary power couple
* Tenney Nathanson of POG and U of A fame
* Jane Miller, eternal fountain of beauty and truth
* Lit mag swag (our new issue, our old issues, broadsides, etc. etc.)
* Sonora Review MadlibsSomebody will be dressed in tattered clothes at the door with an open guitar case asking for small donations, but this is merely a 'suggested donation'; mostly, we just want to see your beautiful faces, and you want to see our beautiful faces, so let’s gaze at one another and swoon.
For more information, call 626-3765.
Tags: Sonora Review Release Party and Benefit , Sonora Review , University of Arizona. Literary journal , Issue 60 , Ander Monson , Kate Bernheimer , Brent Hendricks , Tenney Nathanson , Jane Miller