Friday, July 1, 2011

More Big Ideas From Write-In Candidate David Karr

Posted By on Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 3:00 PM

Write-in candidate on the Democratic ballot David Karr offered some clarification via email about his plan to bring Univision to town, but in the process offered even a bigger idea. Who cares about spring training when we could just get a major league team (or an approximation thereof) in town?

I am sorry I made a big mistake I meant the Sibado Gigante I only have watched the show a few times and I do not speak spanish, I thought it was called Don Francisco Show.

The reason I want bring them along with univision is I know it is very popular show with Hispanics and 65% of Tucson's population is Hispanic. How I want to do this since the City owns TCC and it need to be taken out of control to a private business and city is losing money on TCC. Turn it over to Don Francisco & Sibada Gigante plus the univision company and let us cut our losses and build a new arena, symphony hall and little theater all under one roof. I will not raise taxes, to make this happen.

I do not support SB 1070 I consider it racial profiling

I would give a very large tax break to any business leader who could bring the L.A. Dodgers to Tucson and we call them TUCSON DODGERS

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